SecurityOrb’s Top 5 Cyber Security Threat Predictions for 2011

2010 was an attention-grabbing year in the information security industry. We saw some interesting things such as Google alleged hack by China, Wiki leaks and the issues with insider threat and hacktivism, Stuxnet advanced malware implementation and social networking site vulnerabilities as well as our share of zero-day attacks to name a few. So, what is in store for 2011 you ask?

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Hacker Group “Anonymous”, has Declared Cyber-War on behalf of WikiLeaks

A hacker group, identified as “Anonymous”, has declared cyber-war on behalf of WikiLeaks and the attempt to censor the organization’s activities by the U.S. government and private companies. They are responsible for the recent distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on PayPal, Visa and MasterCard which has been titled “Operation Payback”.

Browser History Hijacking Flaw

Browser history hijacking is a flaw in a web browser that allows certain websites access to all the sites a user has ever visited. This is a techniques used by sporting, news, movie, financial and porn websites to better place ads and check to see if you have visited any of their competitors.

The WikiLeaks Security Issue – The Un-Political Side

The political aspect is obvious to many of us, but the information assurance side reveals a scary situation. If the government, with all of its resources is having difficulties protecting sensitive documents, what chances do private companies have?

A Review of CEH Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide by Kimberly Graves

The “Certified Ethical Hacker: Study Guide” by Kimberly Graves have gained considerable attention and popularity in recent years in response to the need for professional information security practitioners to increase their awareness in the techniques, tools and motives used by hackers.